The term "separation assault" has been coined to describe this behavior. This is the 1996 annual report providing information concerning the incidence of stalking and the effectiveness of State antistalking efforts and legislation.
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) represents a giant step forward in our country's response to violence against women, including stalking and domestic violence (S&DV).
Specifically, it will help criminal justice personnel -- including prosecutors, judges, probation officers, & victim advocates -- better understand the issues surrounding batterer intervention & enable them to make appropriate referrals to ...
Every congregation in North America has victims, survivors, and perpetrators of violence in its midst. Many in the church, while supporting marital and family connections, do not know how to address abuse.
En estas páginas se presentan los resultados preliminares del proyecto europeo Epogender “Gender violence: protocols for the protection of victims and effectiveness of protection orders.
This book is a collection of the experiences, insights, and ideas of leading professionals who work with women victims of violence, and who prosecute the perpetrators of such violence.