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subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
This book unveils to the reader for the first time how ICM combines project change management, culture change management, and project management concepts to create an effective and innovative organization.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
A consequence of business specialization is the implementation of weak processes that cross departmental and corporate boundaries.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market, which includes interviews with dozens of healthcare leaders, describes the business challenges and opportunities arising for those working in one of the most vibrant ...
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
In order to gain accreditation, every laboratory must have a superior quality assurance program.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
This handbook supports individuals preparing to perform, or those already performing, this type of work.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
This book presents a model of Quality Management that combines the theoretical base of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and the practical techniques of the Japanese into a useful application.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
Kontrol kualitas produk darah menjadi hal yang penting dalam pengelolaan bank darah ataupun unit transfusi darah, untuk menjamin ketersediaan komponen darah berkualitas tinggi dengan risiko minimal dan fungsi yang optimal dalam fungsinya ...
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
These and other consumer rights were created only after political battles in the decade between 1966 and 1976. This book is the story of that era and one of its leaders, Congressman John Moss.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
Bringing together the various elements that comprise the quality and safety agenda for Radiology, this book serves as a thorough roadmap and resource for radiologists, technicians, and radiology managers and administrators.
subject:"Business & Economics / Quality Control" from
Recognize the significance of human factors, workforce engagement, and leadership in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability. "The Future of Quality Control" doesn't just inform, it inspires action.