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subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
This book examines the considerations that determine a central bank's monetary strategy and explains how these considerations have featured in recent European monetary history.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
This unique book examines exchange rates and portfolio capital flows from an objective perspective and the result is a book which will be of use to financial economists all over the world.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
In questo libro Savino Balzano, forte della sua esperienza di sindacalista, mette in luce come lo strumento del salario minimo legale non abbia alcuna possibilitā di risolvere i problemi radicali e profondissimi che hanno causato il crollo ...
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
Finally, the authors outline the reforms necessary to create monetary, financial and banking systems free of the episodic inflation, devaluation, debt crises, and exchange rate volatility that have plagued the twentieth century.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
In this perspective, this volume aims to discuss the role of markets, traders and economic interaction (not necessarily organized through markets) and the use of “money” (metals, valuable commodities) in pre-modern societies, based on ...
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
This book is a path-breaking survey and critique of the major theories of financial crises. It builds a model of crisis from an analysis of postwar financial crises in the United States through the mid-1980's.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
Governing the World's Money assesses those tensions and the prospects for their peaceful resolution. Governing the World's Money surveys the frontiers of the global monetary system in ten original essays.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich VWL - Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, Note: 2,0, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Rationale Asset-Pricing-Modelle sollten den fundamentalen Zusammenhang zwischen den realen ...
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
Second edition of a successful textbook that provides an insightful analysis of the world financial system.
subject:"Business & Economics / Money & Monetary Policy" from
Explores how Judaism as a religion and Jews as a people relate to the economic sphere of life in modern society as well as in the past.