Dieses Buch ist für Leser gedacht, die das Grundstudium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften ganz oder weitgehend abgeschlossen haben, die sowohl mit den Grundlagen der Wirtschaftstheorie als auch der Statistik vertraut sind.
Multilevel models are now applied to a wide range of studies in sociology, population studies, education studies, psychology, economics, epidemiology, and public health. This book covers a broad range of topics about multilevel modeling.
This book will help you to develop a holistic architectural awareness and knowledge base that extends beyond concrete methods, techniques, and technologies.
So this book is an ideal companion for enterprise IT or business architects in industry as well as for computer or management science students studying the field of enterprise architecture.
Der Inhalt Einleitung und These - Unternehmensstrategie - Adaption Unternehmensstrategie auf Informatik - Entwicklung einer IT-Strategie - Reifegradanalyse - Mapping Ist-Zustand zu IT-Strategie - Konklusion/Schlussfolgerung - Fazit Die ...
With the advent of competition, this historical costing predicate had to change. The Bell System, as well as the independents, were suddenly held accountable.
This edited research volume examines the main issues and challenges associated with privacy and trust on social media in a manner relevant to both practitioners and scholars.
The topic is covered through section headings such as: 'Cross-cultural Collaboration', 'Trust Building', 'Stakeholder and Communication Channels', 'Global Project Structure', 'Global Program and Project Offices', 'Interactive Audio and ...
Electronic competition is severe and affects post offices (POs) worldwide, which have been slow to address the threat. This book addresses this new reality and includes discussion of how POs may attempt to reinvent themselves.