Sigwart, muore durante la I Guerra Mondiale, ma una volta "trapassato" cerca di mettersi in contatto con la famiglia attraverso sua sorella Lycki. «Sono io a parlarti, tuo fratello Sigwart che ti ama» così iniza la sua prima ...
Is your house haunted? This book will help you find answers... and advice, if your home has ghosts. Discover the leading reasons why some houses seem haunted, but aren't.
The reporter of this miracle, Mr Beaven Tagarira a retired headmaster after 33 years of teaching service in both urban and rural schools in Zimbabwe witnessed Phias recite PSALMS 71 and sing a praise and worship hymn with joy; "Kumatenga ...
Werewolves have become a popular paranormal topic over the past few decades. This booklet reviews the phenomenon and also presents God's solution to current fears.
Será que Hugo vencerá os desafios da vida antes de sua velhice? O que o futuro reserva para ele? Haverá redenção para Hugo? É chegada a hora de ele seguir seu destino.
This booklet discusses the evidence for the Roswell crash offered by Jesse Marcel Jr. and the New Age philosophies of Whitley Strieber. This is written from a Christian standpoint.
The subject of the Sasquatch is growing in popularity. What can we learn from this interesting subject? This booklet quickly explores the question from a fundamental Christian perspective.