Currently, there are more than 30,000 genes in human genome. However, not all the proteins encoded by these genes work equally in order to maintain homeostasis.
The control of these signaling pathways will enrich our healthier life. Currently, there are more than 30,000 genes in human genome. However, not all the proteins encoded by these genes work equally in order to maintain homeostasis.
Market signaling, a phrase formulated by Mr. Spence, means the activities and characteristics of individuals which are visible to somebody else and convey information in a market, such as the job market.
The second edition is an up-to-date, expanded reference with each section edited by a recognized expert in the field. Tabular and well illustrated, the Handbook will serve as an in-depth reference for this complex and evolving field.
Cell-Cell Signaling in Development, Volume 150 covers new approaches and topics surrounding the diversity of animals, with recognized species now in the millions.
This book provides accessible, balanced coverage of subscriber signaling, interexchange signaling, signaling between mobile stations and a mobile network, and signaling between exchanges and other network entities.
This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of host-pathogen interactions and the recent researches in this field. It provides significant information to help develop a good understanding of this discipline.
This book gives insights on basic processes that occur (or may occur) in the human body as a result of the application of mechanical stimulus. It is ideal for both biomedical engineers and biologists, and is an ideal resource for teaching.