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Did you mean: pathogenic definition
The meaning of PYTHOGENIC is produced by or originating from decomposition or filth. How to use pythogenic in a sentence.
Pythogenic definition: originating from filth or putrescence.. See examples of PYTHOGENIC used in a sentence.
Definition of 'pythogenic'. COBUILD frequency band. pythogenic in American English. (ˌpaiθəˈdʒenɪk, ˌpɪθə-). adjective. originating from filth or putrescence.
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pythogenic: Produced by filth: specifically applied to a class of diseases, as typhoid, the occurrence of which is favored by filth, especially by a ...
Pythogenic, in a plural context, is a sub-origin of traumagenic. It was coined by The Lunastus Collective, under the name Alnilam.
(Medicine) obsolete created by the decomposition of organic material. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
Definition of Pythogenic ... 1 definition of pythogenic. adjective. Produced by filth (obsolete, medicine).
pythogenic - The word pythogenic can be defined as 'produced by filth, or causing dirt or decay'. About the author. Mark McCracken.
pythogenic. The term 'pythogenic ' as it applies to the area of general science can be defined as 'produced by filth, or causing dirt or decay'.
py·tho·gen·ic. , pythogenous (pī'thō-jen'ik, pī-thoj'ĕ-nŭs),. Originating from filth or putrescence. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012.