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Preventing the next pandemic - Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission
UN Environment Programme
In this time of crisis, thousands of papers and guidelines have already been published about COVID-19. Most of these consider the important...
55 months ago
Preventing drowning: an implementation guide
World Health Organization (WHO)
This guide provides practical steps to reduce drowning – one of the world's most preventable, neglected and pressing public health issues.
89 months ago
Preventing the Spread of C. auris | Candida auris (C. auris)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
C. auris can spread easily from patients who are colonized or infected. Healthcare providers can help stop it from spreading with these actions.
5 months ago
Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures
International Labour Organization
The report addresses the widespread issue of violence and harassment in the workplace and emphasizes the need for comprehensive measures,...
8 months ago
Preventing Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-based Bullying Virtual Symposium
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (.gov)
OJJDP will host a two-day symposium as part of the Preventing Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-based Bullying Initiative.
13 months ago
Preventing the return of fear in humans using reconsolidation update mechanisms
These findings demonstrate the adaptive role of reconsolidation as a window of opportunity to rewrite emotional memories, and suggest a non-...
177 months ago
Vital Signs: Missed Opportunities for Preventing Congenital Syphilis — United States, 2022 | MMWR
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
Lack of timely testing and adequate treatment during pregnancy contributed to 88% of congenital syphilis cases in 2022 and represent missed...
10 months ago
Preventing suicide: A global imperative
World Health Organization (WHO)
“Preventing suicide: a global imperative” is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and...
121 months ago
Preventing Stroke
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
Prevention steps and strategies · Choose healthy foods and drinks · Keep a healthy weight · Get regular physical activity · Don't smoke · Limit...
4 months ago
Preventing Oropouche
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
The best way to protect yourself from Oropouche is to prevent bites from biting midges and mosquitoes in areas where the virus is known to occur.
3 weeks ago