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America’s Favorite Pastime
National Archives (.gov)
The National Archives celebrates America's favorite pastime! Baseball has played a major role throughout American history.
14 months ago
What is the “Save America’s Pastime Act”?
The Save America's Pastime Act rewrites federal law to exempt baseball players from the federal minimum wage and rules around overtime pay (...
42 months ago
Digital Archive Project Launches via PASTIME
Baseball Hall of Fame
Twenty-five volumes of 10 different Babe Ruth Scrapbooks in the collection will be available online for the first time.
96 months ago
Recreational Fishing: A Favorite American Pastime
NOAA Fisheries (.gov)
Recreational fishing is a beloved American pastime, with millions of anglers taking to the water every year. It's a simple activity that is...
36 months ago
Bronwyn Keith-Hynes, “Fiddler’s Pastime”
The Bluegrass Situation
Bronwyn Keith-Hynes, “Fiddler's Pastime” ... Bronwyn Keith-Hynes, ... Where, in the not too distant rearview, time was not always considered a...
49 months ago
A Crime and a Pastime | Hanson O’Haver
The Baffler
Skateboarding is a crime, not a sport. But might the deliberate criminals, the Raskolnikovs of skateboarding, be predisposed to a certain degree of paranoia?
75 months ago
No Matter What, Baseball is Still America's Pastime
Sports Illustrated
No Matter What, Baseball is Still America's Pastime. The Kansas City Royals embrace many cultures represented throughout their locker room and...
39 months ago
An American Pastime Fit for the Age of Anxiety
The Atlantic
An American Pastime Fit for the Age of Anxiety. Many kids are too anxious to go to summer camp alone—and many parents are too stressed to let...
1 month ago
Manufacturing or design error not the fault of 28m Viking yacht Pastime's grounding
BOAT International
Following a statement from Viking Yachts, the grounding of the 28.4-metre yacht named Pastime has been attributed to a loss of power caused...
10 months ago
A century later, memories of the Pastime Theater collapse linger
Winchester Sun
A four-story brick wall of the adjoining building collapsed and fell on the theatre. The steel roof, rafters and bricks came down on the audience killing...
78 months ago