A stunning and unique collection of satellite images of Earth that offer an unexpected look at humanity, derived from the wildly popular Daily Overview Instagram project.
A stunning and unique collection of satellite images of Earth that offer an unexpected look at humanity, derived from the wildly popular Daily Overview Instagram project.
Using interviews with and writings by astronauts and cosmonauts, discusses how viewing the Earth from space and from the moon affect space explorers' perceptions of the world and humanity, and how those changes are likewise felt in ...
... overview of HCEEP's activities . The 1982-83 HCEEP Overview and Directory contains five sections : * The Introduction describes the HCEEP network and the results of a recent evaluation study . * The Overview section summarizes the ...
... Overview 1, 479 IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i5/OS (5761-JS1) 266 IBM High Availability Solutions Manager (HASM) 2 IBM i associated software 2 installing or upgrading 466 IBM i 6.1 IBM i 6.1 191 new functions 2 overview 2 POWER5 and ...
... OVERVIEW An Overview Report on the Seismic Investigations Conducted for the Auburn Damsite Oregon California Nevada STANFORD UNIV OCT 1978 BRANNER EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Sacramento R. OROVILLE SACRAMENTO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE ...
... overview of the susceptibility of aquifers to contamination from surface sources . Knowledge of the susceptibility of aquifers to contamination may then lead to a better understanding of the susceptibility of public - supply wells ...
... overview are : ( 1 ) to describe past work and the known archeological resources and ( 2 ) to evaluate the extent and quality of past work . An eval- uation has the following goals : ( 1 ) to determine the research and interpretive ...