
Learn to pronounce o·ver·state

express or state too strongly; exaggerate.
"I may have overstated my case to make my point"
synonyms: exaggerate, overdo, overemphasize, overplay, dramatize, catastrophize, color, embroider, embellish, enhance, magnify, inflate, amplify, make a big thing out of, blow up, blow up out of all proportion, draw the long bow

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7 days ago · transitive verb : to state in too strong terms : exaggerate overstated his qualifications overstatement ˌō-vər-ˈstāt-mənt noun
4 days ago · Meaning of overstated in English ... to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is: The ...
Synonyms for OVERSTATED: overemphasized, exaggerated, enlarged, magnified, padded, stretched, overblown, embellished; Antonyms of OVERSTATED: reasonable, ...
Overstate is a verb that means “to describe in an exaggerated way”: “Defendant overstates his claim that no court has ever granted this relief before.” ...
If an account or a figure on an account is overstated, the amount that is reported on the financial statement is more than it should be.
Definition of Overstated · The reported amount is incorrect, and · The reported amount is more than the true or correct amount. In a double-entry accounting ...
OVERSTATE meaning: 1. to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it…. Learn more.
To overstate is to exaggerate or place too much importance on something. Your parents may overstate the dangers of driving on icy roads to scare you into being ...
to state too strongly; exaggerate: to overstate one's position in a controversy. Synonyms: magnify, embroider, overstress
verb overstates; overstated; overstating [+ object] : to say that (something) is larger or greater than it really is.