... modifying - clause predicate . In such a construction , what is denoted by the head noun participates in the frame evoked by the modifying clause in a special way : by naming or specifying a role . In ( 36 ) , for instance , kekka ...
... modifying clause. Instead, the noun and modifying clause are related pragmatically. In this respect, Cantonese closely resembles Japanese as discussed by Matsumoto (2007, this volume). Specifically, Cantonese demonstrates the properties ...
... modifying activities . The decision - maker may decide which of the listed RMPs to insert into a schedule , on which machine and in which order . We present algorithms that solve problems on parallel machines , provided that the ...
A. J. Taylor, J Hort. 1. Modifying. flavour: an. introduction. A. J. Taylor and J. Hort, University of Nottingham, UK. 1.1. Introduction. Modifying the flavour of foods by adding other materials is an ancient practice. The use of salt as a ...
... are Being Evaluated Clinically for Disease Modification in PD ..........160 Novel Targets for Disease-Modifying Therapies in PD ..........................................161 α-Synuclein ..................................................
... provides and seek to change fatty acid and/or triacylglycerol composition, thereby modifying nutritional, chemical (mainly oxidative stability) and physical (mainly 4 Modifying lipids for use in food 1.3 Methods of modifying oils and fats.
... modifying therapies for PD patients. Ideally, the drugs with disease-modifying effects are able to address the factors contributing to disease progression to actually halt or even reverse the neurodegeneration process in PD. At present ...
... modifying a prompt, were discussed. Keywords: profile, PATH, ścieżka, bash_profile, skrypt startowy Creating and modifying starting scripts The /etc/profile file The .profile or the .bash_profile files Setting the PATH Modification of ...