Mar 25, 2019 · Translocation of bacteria from the oral and gut microbiomes ... utero gut microbiome, is suggestive of the prenatal transfer of bacteria from.
For more than a decade, I have been aware of colonies of Escherichia coli (E.coli) populating my urinary tract, a bacterium found in mammals and birds, ...
The articles respond to some of the new developments across the life and biological sciences, which include the field of epigenetics, the genome and microbiome ...
... Microbiome Science. London Journal of Critical Thought, 4(1), pp. 21-35 ... microbiome as the re-enactment of the immune self. Doctoral thesis ...
critical science study of the human microbiome as the re-enactment of the immune self. PhD thesis,. Goldsmiths, University of London. ...
Lisa works at the intersection of body studies, media and cultural theory, particularly subjectivity and embodiment.
I think it is equally possible to think in terms of meaning-making when considering the microbiome, social neuroen- docrinology and mirror neurons ...
From marine organisms that ingest plastics with concentrated levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), to bacteria and algae that colonize plastic, and ...
evolution, ecology and, more recently, the microbiome. For a history of discovery at Iron Mountain, see Denef et al. (2010). 109 The human genomes submitted ...