Jul 10, 2014 ˇ This issue comes when you don't have proper version of jar of Hadoop. You can login to your environment and get the hadoop version. You should ...
Jul 28, 2019 ˇ It proves that the aws related jars works fine.(Just as per my understanding). But why exceptions about aws s3a throw when I invoke spark?
Missing: NetUtils. SocketInputWrapper;
Dec 8, 2017 ˇ I'm getting a vertex failed error when I'm trying to run a query using the Hive interactive site. The actual error is a NoSuchMethodError for the org.apache. ...
Missing: net. NetUtils. getInputStream( net/ Socket Lorg/ SocketInputWrapper;
Nov 1, 2017 ˇ 异常信息表明,NetUtils该类,缺少getInputStream(Ljava/net/Socket;)该方法,原因很可能是HBase客户端版本与Hadoop客户端版本不一致导致的。 解决办法:修改 ...
I am trying to create HDFS directory using java . I get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.getProxy exception . Labels:.
Aug 21, 2019 ˇ 使用JAVA API操作HBase出现错误. 集群环境:hadoop2.6.5 ,zookeeper3.4.5,hbase1.3.5,jdk1.8; 在本机使用maven+java api操作hbase一直报错:.
lang.NoSuchMethodError: > org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils.getInputStream(Ljava/net/Socket;)Lorg/apache/hadoop/net/SocketInputWrapper; > 14/04/05 11:03:04 ...
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Oct 30, 2022 ˇ As per the above error, the Spark driver process has failed. ... This issue usually occurs when there are multiple conflicting JAR dependencies ...
Missing: net. NetUtils. getInputStream( Socket net/ SocketInputWrapper;
Jun 6, 2022 ˇ I use Spark Sql to insert record to hudi. It work for a short time. However It throw "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ...
May 23, 2019 ˇ Hello Users, I'm trying to copy data from one hadoop cluster in london to another cluster in singapore. I'm using distCp for the first time.
Missing: getInputStream( Lorg/ SocketInputWrapper;