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Discount rates: A boring thing you should know about (with otters!)
You need to understand what economists call “discount rates,” key parameters in the economic models used to assess climate policy costs.
144 months ago
Using a zero-discount rate could help choose better projects and help get to net zero carbon
World Bank Blogs
The authors of this blog provide strong reasons why a rate of zero is appropriate for discounting costs and benefits of most investment projects.
32 months ago
Valuing the Future: Revision to the Social Discount Rate Means Appropriately Assessing Benefits and Costs
The White House (.gov)
The recommended annual discount rate is calculated to be 2 percent, compared to the dual rates of 3 and 7 percent set out in the prior Circular A-4.
7 months ago
How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context?
Resources Magazine
Because the benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions last for centuries while many mitigation costs are borne today, climate change has...
135 months ago
The Discount Rate for the Social Cost of Carbon
The Regulatory Review
A publication of the Penn Program on Regulation. Opinion | Environment | Jan 18, 2017 The Discount Rate for the Social Cost of Carbon.
92 months ago
Discount rates rise yet again at private colleges and universities
Inside Higher Ed
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100 months ago
When the Fed announces a new discount rate decision, who makes the decision? Do they use the same information and research that are used by the Federal Open Market Committee to set the target for the federal funds rate?
San Francisco Fed
The discount rate is the interest rate that an eligible depository institution is charged to borrow funds, typically for a short period, directly from a...
194 months ago
Chicago and NY Fed directors favored discount rate cut in July
Members of the boards of directors overseeing the Chicago and New York Federal Reserve banks voted in favor of lowering by a quarter...
1 month ago
The one number that determines how today’s policies will affect our grandchildren
The discount rate basically tells us how to value the future versus the present — and thus has tremendous implications for the policies we enact...
17 months ago
What is the Social Discount Rate? MIT Economists Weigh In
MIT Sloan
The discount rate used by policy analysts to translate estimates of future costs and benefits into present values.
14 months ago