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... Improved Data And Procedures Needed For Development And Implementation Of Building Energy Performance Standards Building Energy Performance Standards are intended to increase the energy efficiency of new buildings . However , problems ...
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This is the whole package." —JON SAPHIER, founder and president, Research for Better Teaching, and chairman emeritus of Teachers 21 "Paul Bambrick-Santoyo's book is a triple threat to the achievement gap: not only has he presided over ...
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This volume will be particularly useful to leadership-level staff in out-of-school time organizations that are thinking about deepening their own learning and evaluation systems, yet aren’t sure where to start.
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Misuse or inconsistent use of data leads to ineffective and errant decision-making. This text highlights common barriers and pitfalls related to data use and provide strategies for how to avoid these pitfalls.
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The Practitioner's Guide to Data Quality Improvement offers a comprehensive look at data quality for business and IT, encompassing people, process, and technology.
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This book helps you make sense of the data your school district collects, including state student achievement results as well as other qualitative and quantitative data.
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This book is essential for professionals and researchers working in the field of analytics, data, and digital marketing, along with marketers, advertisers, brand managers, social media specialists, managers, sales professionals, ...
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The Data Quality Assessment Framework shows you how to measure and monitor data quality, ensuring quality over time.
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Practical and step-by-step, this book spotlights statistical process control (SPC) and develops a philosophy, a strategy, and a set of methods for ongoing improvement to yield better outcomes.
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... No. of Pages 22. Price * Unclassified Unclassified 19 $ 3.00 * For sale by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield , Virginia 22151 IMPROVED DATA AGREEMENT USING NEW EDDY VISCOSITY EQUATIONS IN A.