Aug 2, 2021 ˇ Something is wrong with 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 on, which is the recommended and the default keyserver these days.
Missing: 43B760F197CA1BF5: | Show results with:43B760F197CA1BF5:
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You're attempting to verify that the ISO file is signed with the signature in SHA512SUMS.sign.txt. It will never match. There is no signature for the ISO file.
Missing: 43B760F197CA1BF5: | Show results with:43B760F197CA1BF5:
Jan 15, 2021 ˇ On computer-a a key is generated, linking it to email, using command gpg --gen-key. Then it is exported using command
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