eligibility requirements from
The book is intended to provide an overview of the needs of blind and physically handicapped individuals who are unable to use print resources and to describe practices designed to meet those needs.
eligibility requirements from
Kathleen J. Frydl addresses the GI Bill in the first study based on systematic and comprehensive use of the records of the Veterans Administration.
eligibility requirements from
Boone Nicolls. Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Promotion ( Note 1 ) A B C D R U L E If promotion is and the to ... Eligibility Status ( PES ) code X on effective date of promotion ( note 6 ) . Notes : 1. Use this table to ...
eligibility requirements from
... eligibility require- ments pertaining to such a licensee so long as the spectrum lessee meets the other eligibility and qualification re- quirements applicable to 47 CFR part 27 services ( see § 27.12 of this chapter ) . A spectrum ...
eligibility requirements from
13.486 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS : Credentials / Documentation : Add sentence at end : Cost will be determined in ac- cordance with General Services Administration FMC 74-4 . POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS : Reports : Substitute : In ...
eligibility requirements from
10.662 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS : Applicant Eligibility : Substitute : State Forestry and U.S. Territory agencies who negotiate agreements with rural communities . FINANCIAL INFORMATION : Obligations : Substitute : FY 78 est $ 3,300,000 ...
eligibility requirements from
... Eligibility Requirements 436.400 Scope . 436.401 General rules . 436.402 [ Reserved ] 436.403 State residence . 436.404 Applicant's choice of category . 436.406 Citizenship and alienage . 436.408 Categories of aliens who are perma ...
eligibility requirements from
... Eligibility Requirements to Participate in Programs Under CETA . 675.5-1 Eligibility Requirements Pertaining to all ... Rules and Regulations 19995.
eligibility requirements from
... Eligibility Requirements to Participate in Programs Under CETA . 675.5-1 Eligibility Requirements Pertaining to all Prime Sponsor Programs . 675.5-2 Eligibility Requirements Under Title II B. 675.5-3 Eligibility Requirements under ...