This book offers "eco-words" and "eco-thoughts" as it sheds light on the traps that our minds construct for ourselves, that we so often fall into whether we mean to or not.
The Corporate Takedown expresses the strategic playbook some corporations may employ against employees to covertly retaliate against them when they seek reprieve from corporate abuse and provides modes these vulnerable employees may choose ...
Poverty disable person to afford basic needs. It is cause of many criminal activities because person cannot afford basic needs. This book is in-depth research on social issues which arises in result of poverty.
Sascha Stronach’s queer, Maori-inspired Endsong trilogy reopens on a city in flames, where a magic-wielding pirate crew uncovers an age-old fight between the gods that threatens their world.
Sascha Stronach’s queer, Maori-inspired Endsong trilogy reopens on a city in flames, where a magic-wielding pirate crew uncovers an age-old fight between the gods that threatens their world.