
Learn to pronounce mis·sile

an object which is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon.
"one of the players was hit on the head by a missile thrown by a spectator"
synonyms: projectile, trajectile

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The meaning of MISSILE is capable of being thrown or projected to strike a distant object. How to use missile in a sentence.
a flying weapon that has its own engine so that it can travel a long distance before exploding at the place that it has been aimed at.
noun · an object or weapon for throwing, hurling, or shooting, as a stone, bullet, or arrow. · guided missile. · ballistic missile.
A missile is an airborne ranged weapon capable of self-propelled flight aided usually by a propellant, jet engine or rocket motor.
A missile is an object that can be projected toward a target. Examples include a spitball shot through a straw, a poison-tipped arrow sent via bow, ...
MISSILE meaning: 1 : an object that is thrown, shot, or launched as a weapon; 2 : a rocket that explodes when it hits a distant target.
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1. an object that is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon. 2. a weapon that is self-propelled or directed by remote ...
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/ˈmɪsl/ a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing that it is aimed at. nuclear missiles. a missile base/site.
There are eight meanings listed in OED's entry for the word missile, two of which are labelled obsolete. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, ...
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2 senses: 1. any object or weapon that is thrown at a target or shot from an engine, gun, etc 2. a. a rocket-propelled weapon.
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