
Learn to pronounce char·ac·ter

  1. the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
    "running away was not in keeping with her character"
    synonyms: personality, nature, disposition, temperament, temper, mentality, turn of mind, psychology, psyche, constitution, makeup, make, stamp, mold, cast, persona, attributes, features, qualities, properties, traits, essential quality, essence, sum and substance, individuality, identity, distinctiveness, uniqueness, spirit, ethos, complexion, key, tone, tenor, ambience, air, aura, feel, feeling, vibrations, kidney, humor, grain
  2. a person in a novel, play, or movie.
    "the author's compassionate identification with his characters"
    synonyms: persona, person, role, part, dramatis personae
  3. a printed or written letter or symbol.
  4. a characteristic, especially one that assists in the identification of a species.

inscribe; engrave.

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Meet AIs that feel alive. Chat with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Experience the power of super-intelligent chat bots that hear you, understand you, ...
Some common synonyms of character are attribute, property, and quality. While all these words mean "an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified," ...
Character Count is a free online tool that calculates the number of characters and words written in your writing.
Strongest matches: aspect, cast, humor, kind, nature, personality, quality, sense, spirit, style, tone, type
type, kind, sort, nature, description, character mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.
the particular combination of qualities in someone or something that makes them or it different from others.
The idea of "character" as a "stable nature" or "type," the notion from which a host of others have differentiated.