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This multi-author book provides an up-to-date account of current research on mucoadhesive materials and drug delivery systems.
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"This plan of management describes how the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will conserve the natural and cultural heritage of the park while providing unique and enriching experiences for visitors to Sydney Harbour.
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Organic Chemistry, Volume 18: The Chemistry of Indoles discusses the chemistry of indole derivatives. This book explores the potent biological activity of several indole derivatives and explains the structure of indole alkaloids.
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ICRP Publication 26 summarized the recommended basic system of dose limitation into three interrelated components, abbreviated as: (i) The justification of the practice. (ii) The optimization of radiation protection. (iii) The limits of the ...
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The book leads step-by-step through each operation from start to finish, and draws on hundreds of cases to address the many surgical variations encountered in daily practice.
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In their contribution to the first edition of this Handbook, entitled "The Teeth," LEHNER and PLENK (1936) discussed the tissues constituting the "perio dontium" rather briefly.
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The atlas shows the various causes of death and injury with case -- "visuals" to help investigators understand the work they perform.