Set in the tumultuous late 17th Century, His Last Mistress tells the true story of the final years in the life of James Scott, the dashing but doomed Duke of Monmouth, and Lady Henrietta Wentworth.
... Mia. But mostly on those precious afternoons, when at last, at last – they ... Kensington. But lots of Filipinas have nothing to gossip about. Not the ... clean, day in, day out – as master and madam ordered. These are their ...
The book elaborates on the foundations and applications of computational modeling and optimization processes, as well as recent developments in the field.
Newly arrived in New York City in 1910, Bella is desperate to send money home to her family in Italy, and becomes one of the hundreds of workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.
The book offers a unique glimpse into the world, as seen through the eyes of a critically-acclaimed musician over a career spanning more than four decades. --
... clean glasses on the counter behind the bar. He isn't wearing a bartender's uniform, but just as I think this, I notice he heads for a door to the back. He doesn't even glance my way. I look around the room and notice there is just a ...
... Mia was working on a sugar cookie base they were going to make into crowns and wands for the Friday night event ... clean the room , or should I keep working on the sauces ? " Abigail asked . " I'll go clean the room . " Mia took ...
This is a review of 190 years of literature on copper and its alloys. It integrates information on pigments, corrosion and minerals, and discusses environmental conditions, conservation methods, ancient and historical technologies.