Apr 25, 2012 ˇ Lazor System is an advanced targeting and guidance system with a lot of functions bundled in subsystems which can be activated by placing colored lazors on ...
Sep 8, 2015 ˇ I think Kerbal Inventory Systems has explosives that can be placed on parts to make them go away, so you could send up a demolition crew.
Craft Sharing Simplified. Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes.
Craft Sharing Simplified. Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes.
11:14 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #7698 (Need More Info): Administration building flickering. I can't reproduce this. Been trying with different resolutions.
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May 7, 2014 ˇ Flight control assistant for rockets and planes. Rockets gets the ability to set headings such as prograde and retrograde etc. and extra powerful ASAS.
Missing: Romfarer | Show results with:Romfarer
Jul 10, 2013 ˇ This is almost always caused by the Romfarer camera addon, as it changes the physics distance from 2.5km to 25km (I think), this breaks the menu.
I use ferrams aerodynamics mod, Kw rockety, mechjeb or engineer redux for ship info, ISA mapsat, Subassembly loader and romfarer LazorDockingCam. 最後修改者 ...
Oct 5, 2016 ˇ The post was signed, "your Kerbal developers Mike (Mu), Bill (Taniwha), Nathanael (NathanKell), Sébastien (Sarbian), Jim (Romfarer), Brian ...