Hiromasa Ogikubo, Won, Decision, 3, 5:00, +inf, View Scorecards · Search for the fight on google · Round by Round vs. Dec '22, Event was in Saitama Bellator vs ...
Decision, 3, 5:00, +inf, View Scorecards · Search for the fight on google · Round by Round vs. Sep '22, Event was in Saitama Rizin 38, South Korea Soo Chul Kim ...
Dong Hyun KIM, 9. 92, Ji Yeon KIM, 9. 93, Soo Chul KIM, 1. 94, Mike KIMBEL, 1. 95, Rob KIMMONS, 1. 96, Dustin KIMURA, 2. 97, Chadricc KINDLE, 1. 98, Bobby KING ...
Missing: Hiromasa Ogikubo
Soo Chul Kim vs Hiromasa Ougikubo. Subscription from $8.99.
Missing: Ogikubo mmadecisions.
Soo Chul Kim betting odds history. UFC/MMA odds comparison service. Compare the latest UFC/MMA fight odds and betting lines from the top online sportsbooks.
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WOW, I saw that EASILY for Kish! not surprised result from judges but can't believe what i'm reading from Media Scores. 30-27 Kish, or at the very least 29-28 ...
Missing: Hiromasa Ogikubo Soo Chul
Soo Chul Kim breaking news and and highlights for Road FC 70 fight vs. Hyun Woo Kim, with official Sherdog mixed martial arts stats, photos, videos, ...
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