make Greek or Hellenistic in form or character.
"Antiochus sought to Hellenize his subjects"
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intransitive verb : to become Greek or Hellenistic transitive verb : to make Greek or Hellenistic in form or culture
Hellenization (also spelled Hellenisation) or Hellenism is the adoption of Greek culture, religion, language, and identity by non-Greeks.
Hellenize definition: to make Greek in character.. See examples of HELLENIZE used in a sentence.
1. to make Greek in character intransitive verb 2. to adopt Greek ideas or customs Also (esp. Brit.): Hellenise
Verb · (intransitive) To use the language and culture of the ancient Greeks, to become Hellenistic. · (transitive) To render or become Greek in character, ...
OED's earliest evidence for Hellenize is from 1614, in the writing of Samuel Purchas, geographical editor and compiler and Church of England clergyman.
verb To adopt Greek ways and speech; become Greek. American Heritage To make or become Greek or Hellenistic, as in customs, ideals, form, or language.
v.intr. To adopt Greek ways and speech; become Greek. v.tr. To make Greek in character, culture, or civilization.
Nov 7, 2023 · Hellenize refers to the process of spreading Greek culture, language, and traditions to other regions or groups. It typically took place during ...
To make Hellenic or Hellenistic; cause to conform to Greek standards in any particular. To conform to Greek standards or usages.