[*] Module file could not be found: Describe the results you expected: i expect the server to start a usual with module enabled. Additional ...
Missing: m_services. | Show results with:m_services.
Apr 1, 2008 · There was an error loading the module '': Factory function of A Module threw an exception: Unable to load GnuTLS server certificate: Error while ...
To resolve this error, find the names of the dependent libraries, and determine if they are present on your system and on the system path.
May 20, 2020 · I am running a Clockworkpi Gameshell (armhf) trying to run inspircd from a source build. I've obtained certificates from letsencrypt, but for the life of me I ...
The issue is essentially that, though I compiled correctly the MEX file, the .dll files needed to run pardiso are not found.
This module depends on a third-party library (OpenSSL) and must be manually enabled at compile time. Once you have installed the dependency you can enable ...
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