UPRN, Address, Road, Latitude, Longitude. 9051004840, Get address · Concraig Place ... 9051004847, Get address · Concraig Place, 57.161908, -2.210711. 9051004848 ...
People also ask
What is an example of a UPRN?
For buildings, a UPRN provides a comprehensive, complete, consistent identifier throughout its life cycle, from planning permission through to demolition. For example, the UPRN for 10 Downing Street is 100023336956, and that for Bristol Central Library is 000000199356.
How to find UPRN in the UK?
You can identify UPRNs within the Find My Address tool. You can find those other geographical, political and statistical areas of given types around a specified UPRN or postcode - or a set of UPRNs and postcodes in an uploaded CSV file using the Find My Area tool.
UPRN,Latitude,Longitude,Road 9051004840,57.161477,-2.210461,Concraig Place ... 9051004847,57.161908,-2.210711,Concraig Place 9051004848,57.161890 ...
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