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7 days ago ˇ My mom won't tell me if she smoke when pregnant or drank when pregnant or was vegan or a meat eater or smoked pot or breastfed or anything about why I'm so slow.
4 days ago ˇ ... smoke when pregnant (with the additional health costs on the child), passive smoking? As a simple calculation of treatment to tax , it works, but when you ...
3 days ago ˇ Responding units are pretty sure who the suspect is. You shouldn't smoke when pregnant! May be an image of car, ambulance and text.
6 days ago ˇ Gen Z doesn't eat Tide Pods or smoke when pregnant. Gen Z can read time on a clock with hands and convert a file to PDF without giving their computer AIDS ...
6 days ago ˇ How does Gen Z differ from Gen X in terms of values and attitudes? Gen Z doesn't eat Tide Pods. Gen Z doesn't smoke when pregnant.
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