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Evolution of appraisal tool usage preferences in PROSPERO records: a study of non-Cochrane systematic reviews
BMC Medical Research Methodology
This research-on-research substudy uses a data-driven approach to investigate the range of appraisal tools in non-Cochrane systematic...
9 months ago
12 Critical appraisal tools for qualitative research – towards ‘fit for purpose’
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Most appraisal methods and tools for qualitative health research use one of two approaches: checklists or frameworks.
26 months ago
CAT HPPR: a critical appraisal tool to assess the quality of systematic, rapid, and scoping reviews investigating interventions in health promotion and prevention
BMC Medical Research Methodology
For over three decades researchers have developed critical appraisal tools (CATs) for assessing the scientific quality of research overviews...
21 months ago
Assessing the quality of health research from an Indigenous perspective: the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander quality appraisal tool
BMC Medical Research Methodology
The lack of attention to Indigenous epistemologies and, more broadly, Indigenous values in primary research, is mirrored in the standardised...
53 months ago
Critical Appraisal for multiple types of evidence
The CAT consists of: algorithms to identify the type of study design, three separate tools (for appraisal of analytic studies, descriptive studies and...
84 months ago
Quality appraisal for systematic literature reviews of health state utility values: a descriptive analysis
BMC Medical Research Methodology
Health state utility values (HSUVs) are an essential input parameter to cost-utility analysis (CUA). Systematic literature reviews (SLRs)...
22 months ago
Systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies
The preclinical research community faces an ever-expanding corpus of biomedical literature, making it challenging to keep abreast with the...
15 hours ago
Making sense of the literature: an introduction to critical appraisal for the primary care practitioner
With an abundance of published literature, it is essential that primary care practitioners have the basic skills to determine which studies...
47 months ago
Tools to support evidence-informed public health decision making
BMC Public Health
Public health professionals are increasingly expected to engage in evidence-informed decision making to inform practice and policy decisions...
122 months ago
How to appraise the literature: basic principles for the busy clinician - part 2: systematic reviews and meta-analyses
With the increasing numbers of primary research papers being published in dentistry and healthcare in general, it is almost impossible for...
29 months ago