
Learn to pronounce gab·ble

talk rapidly and unintelligibly; utter meaningless sounds.
"he gabbled on in a panicky way until he was dismissed"
synonyms: jabber, babble, prattle, rattle, blabber, gibber, cackle, blab, drivel, twitter, splutter, talk rapidly, talk incoherently, talk unintelligibly, waffle, chunter, witter

rapid unintelligible talk.
"she wasn't very good at the random gabble of teenagers"
synonyms: jabbering, babbling, chattering, gibbering, babble, chatter, rambling, gibberish, drivel, twaddle, nonsense, blah, mumbo jumbo, waffle, waffling, chuntering, double Dutch, flannel

People also ask
1. to talk fast or foolishly : jabber 2. to utter inarticulate or animal sounds transitive verb : to say with incoherent rapidity : babble
GABBLE meaning: 1. to speak quickly and not clearly so that it is difficult to understand: 2. fast conversation or…. Learn more.
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verb (used without object) · to speak or converse rapidly and unintelligibly; jabber. · (of hens, geese, etc.) to cackle.
When you gabble, you talk so fast that you can barely be understood. A nervous public speaker might gabble for several minutes before she's able to get her ...
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If you gabble, you say things so quickly that it is difficult for people to understand you. [informal]. Marcello sat on the floor and gabbled excitedly.
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Verb · (transitive, intransitive) To talk fast, idly, foolishly, or without meaning. quotations ▽. 1610–1611 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, ...
: to talk quickly and in a way that is difficult to understand. I could hear my aunts gabbling [=babbling] in the kitchen.
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1. as in to chat to engage in casual or rambling conversation heard her parents' guests still gabbling in the living room late into the night.
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to talk quickly so that people cannot hear you clearly or understand you. She was nervous and started to gabble. gabble on/away They were gabbling on about ...
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verb gabbled, gabbles, gabbling To talk rapidly and incoherently; jabber; chatter. Webster's New World Similar definitions To utter rapidly and incoherently.