
Learn to pronounce blath·er

talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
"she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"
synonyms: prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, gabble, jabber, go on, run on, rattle on/away, yap, jibber-jabber, patter, blether, blither, maunder, ramble, drivel, yak, yackety-yak, yabber, yatter, witter, rabbit, chunter, natter, waffle, slabber, mag, twaddle, clack, twattle

long-winded talk with no real substance.
"all the blather coming out of Washington about crime"
synonyms: prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, talk, prating, gabble, jabber, blether, rambling, nonsense, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, rubbish, yackety-yak, yabbering, yatter, tripe, twaddle, hogwash, baloney, drivel, bilge, bosh, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, poppycock, phooey, hooey, malarkey, dribble, rot, wittering, nattering, chuntering, cobblers, codswallop, stuff and nonsense, tosh, cack, havers, garbage, flapdoodle, blathers, wack, bushwa, applesauce, bellywash, bunkum, tommyrot, cod, gammon, toffee, clack, twattle, shit, bullshit, horseshit, crap, bollocks, balls, bulldust

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Jul 11, 2024 · The meaning of BLATHER is to talk foolishly at length —often used with on. How to use blather in a sentence.
to talk for a long time in a silly or annoying way: What on earth are you blathering on about? Stop blathering, woman!
verb (used with or without object) Also blith·er []. to talk or utter foolishly; babble: The poor thing blathered for hours about the intricacies of his psyche.
To blather is to talk on and on without saying anything very important or wise. If you blather all afternoon, it might be a welcome distraction to your friend ...
3 senses: 1. to speak foolishly 2. foolish talk; nonsense 3. a person who blathers.... Click for more definitions.
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foolish or dull talk or writing that continues for a long time. listening to a lot of blather from politicians about who's to blame for the bad economy.
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Word Originlate Middle English (as a verb; originally Scots and northern English dialect): from Old Norse blathra 'talk nonsense', from blathr 'nonsense'.
Aug 6, 2024 · The meaning of BLATHERING is foolish or nonsensical talk or writing. How to use blathering in a sentence.
Verb · (intransitive, derogatory) To talk rapidly without making much sense.
(also blether especially in Scottish English) [uncountable] (informal) continuous talking about things that are silly or unimportant.
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