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Charlton fans travel all the way to Belgium to gatecrash owner Roland Duchatelet's 70th birthday

When people care that much about their point, there's very little you can do to stop them making it

Charlton fans ruin owner's 70th birthday with protest

It seems there is no ocean too wide for the group of angry Charlton fans in the video above.

The small contingent of Addicks supporters somewhat unbelievably travelled all the way to Belgium to gatecrash owner Roland Duchatelet's 70th birthday meal.

Members of The Valley have been unhappy with the Belgian's guidance of the club ever since he took charge in January 2014.

Controversial statements from Duchatelet, and the club recently sacking their seventh manager in just three years are the primary reasons for why the fans are in such a state of discontent.

Charlton fans in St. Tridian(YouTube/The_2Percent)

In the footage, a small group of Charlton fans planned and executed a well thought out protest in front of Duchatelet himself.

After handing out as many as 5,000 flyers, the group travelled to Duchatelet's hometown of St. Tridian.

Duchatelet having his birthday meal(YouTube/The_2Percent)

Charlton fans protest outside of restaurant where owner, Roland Duchatelet was celebrating his 70th birthday(YouTube/The_2Percent)

Finding the 70-year-old enjoying a birthday meal in a restaurant (while the Swindon vs Charlton game was playing), the Charlton fans unravel a large banner which reads: "Roland and Katrien time to go."

Katrien Meire is a director at Charlton football club.