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EastEnders falls to lowest ever ratings as shock incest storyline sickens viewers

BBC soap fell to just 3.4million viewers last night, 600,000 less than its previous historic low

EASTENDERS has fallen to its lowest ever ratings with just 3.41m viewers tuning in to last night's episode.

The episode - that aired on BBC Two following Wimbledon - saw a historic low for the BBC soap amid a deepening crisis over axed producer Sean O'Connor's brief tenure in charge of the show.

 EastEnders' ratings dropped to it's lowest ever level last night - during an episode which hinted at incest
EastEnders' ratings dropped to it's lowest ever level last night - during an episode which hinted at incestCredit: BBC One
 The storyline suggested 15-year-old Bernadette Taylor was pregnant after being raped by her older brother Keanu
The storyline suggested 15-year-old Bernadette Taylor was pregnant after being raped by her older brother KeanuCredit: BBC One

It saw viewers become sickened as an incest storyline was hinted that 15-year-old Bernadette Taylor was pregnant after being raped by her older brother Keanu.

Previously EastEnders' lowest ratings plunged to 3.99m when the show faced off against Emmerdale.

It previously matched this low earlier this year against Britain's Got Talent's live shows but last night faced competition from Wimbledon and The Secret Life of Posh Pets.

Despite Wimbledon, Emmerdale received 4.5m viewers and Coronation Street kept 5.5m people watching despite the tennis tournament.

Former Walford star Ross Kemp became the first high profile star of the show to reveal how producer Sean O'Connor had mishandled the BBC's flagship drama.

He exclusively told The Sun: “He reminded me of a sort of schoolteacher of a kind of third-rate public school.

 Karen listened outside the door in shock at the revelation
Karen listened outside the door in shock at the revelation
 Fans were nearly given a clue to the nature of the relationship when Bernadette etched a 'B heart...' emotif on Arthur's bench
Fans were nearly given a clue to the nature of the relationship when Bernadette etched a 'B heart...' emotif on Arthur's bench

"That’s not really what you want for the cast of EastEnders.”

Ross added: “You write it well, you cast it well and you do the right things — and you don’t abuse certain members, i.e. you don’t work them into the f****** ground, which is what happened."

 Ross Kemp recently told The Sun about working on the soap
Ross Kemp recently told The Sun about working on the soapCredit: Rex Features

It is understood stars on set felt bullied under Mr O’Connor’s regime.

But O’Connor claims he was bullied himself.

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