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Hamilton chief Les Gray and the Hampden Nutcracker Suite must come clean over vote, says Davie Provan

UNTIL recently, I thought Les Gray was the guy who sang Tiger Feet with Mud in the 1970s.

Turns out I’m wrong. He’s actually vice-chair of Hamilton Accies and a member of the SPFL board.

 Hamilton chairman Les Gray
Hamilton chairman Les GrayCredit: Callan Media - The Sun Glasgow

Fitting, because right now the SPFL’s direction is as clear as mud.

Gray came across as a bright guy in recent radio interviews and there’s no doubt he wants the best for Scottish football.

But the contempt with which he treats any form of criticism sums up Hampden’s sixth floor.

Given the lack of transparency inside Hampden, Gray’s willingness to front up on air was welcome.

 The Accies chairman has refused to have office bearers held to accoun
The Accies chairman has refused to have office bearers held to accounCredit: Callan Media - The Sun Glasgow

But his refusal to have office bearers held to account for recent events is bizarre.

By bringing in Deloitte to investigate, the SPFL have tried to clear up the mystery of the Dundee vote.

But much more needs explanation.

Why were Aberdeen given a steer on voting results before the deadline? Why were the figures made public before the ballot closed? The process had the credibility of a banana republic election.

Rangers are adamant they have evidence of bullying and coercion influencing the vote. Serious stuff, but immediately dismissed as fantasy by Gray.

His denial seems to be based on his relationship with Hampden hierarchy. He tells us SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster, chairman Murdoch Mac-Lennan and legal eagle Rod McKenzie are all impeccable corporate heavyweights.

That shouldn’t make them untouchable. It’s not for Gray to dismiss Rangers’ claims out of hand.

Unless he had every board member’s mobile bugged, he wouldn’t know if those claims are valid.

 Hearts chief Budge is on the board for league reconstruction
Hearts chief Budge is on the board for league reconstructionCredit: Getty Images - Getty

Yet he says: “There is just no wrongdoing here. We are absolutely certain.” If Rangers produce evidence to the contrary, Gray is going to look very silly.

And why would Gers chairman Douglas Park show his hand to the people he wants investigated?

If Gray is calling this right, he should have nothing to fear from a second enquiry into any aspect of the current shambles.

He should know football punters currently view the Hampden Nutcracker Suite with disbelief.

Is it any wonder when Queen O’Farce Ann Budge is in charge of league reconstruction?

Given Hearts have more skin in the game than anyone, does Gray think she should be in charge? Should the club with most to lose call the shots?

Mind you, if Leeann Dempster is right there will be nothing left to reconstruct. The Hibs chief warns of a meteor heading our way that’ll wipe out the game.

Turns out it’s Nicola Sturgeon. Be in no doubt, the First Minister’s hint that closed doors games won’t be allowed is a game-changer.

 Dempster believes a meteor is about to hit Scottish football
Dempster believes a meteor is about to hit Scottish footballCredit: Kenny Ramsay - The Sun Glasgow

It makes the crisis caused by Setanta’s collapse look a minor blip.

Back then clubs were still able to get fans through the gates, sell hospitality and keep sponsorships until Sky stepped in. By comparison, the current landscape is terrifying.

It wouldn’t be over- dramatic to predict the end of Scottish football as we know it.

If the money from television, sponsors and turnstiles is turned off, there won’t be a club left standing this time next year.

Even Celtic will be in bother if they have to honour players’ contracts.

Aberdeen chairman Dave Cormack was spot on when saying the game is facing “financial Armageddon” if clubs can’t play soon.

That won’t happen unless Hampden convinces Holyrood it’s safe to do so.

Hard to see how Doncaster can sell that to politicians when Covid-19 continues to outrun us.

 Cormack believes clubs need to play soon
Cormack believes clubs need to play soonCredit: SNS Group

In Germany, they’re hopeful of restarting the Bundesliga next month in empty grounds.

They’ve been testing, contact tracing and isolating since this thing reared its deadly head.

The Bundesliga spent £2.5million on 250,000 testing kits in an attempt to guarantee players’ safety.

They now have a decent chance of finishing their season.

Meanwhile, in Scotland, frontline NHS staff are risking their lives for us because of equipment shortages.

Hard to see Doncaster getting his hands on testing equipment here.

Having been around this game for the best part of 50 years, I thought I’d seen it all. But this is different. Our national sport is in mortal danger.

NOT OVER Rangers right to call for fresh SPFL probe as last one was 'sham', says Miller

BRENDAN RODGERS hopes to take a bow at Celtic Park in future.

Hard to see it when some still believe he left them in the lurch. Some lurch. League Cup in the bag, latter stages of the Scottish Cup,
eight points clear in the league.

Rodgers left for a smaller club in a better league for more money.

It is what football professionals do.

Taking Leicester into the EPL’s top four now vindicates his decision. Nine in a row was never going to be enough to keep him.

ANN BUDGE is encouraged by the reaction to her league reconstruction plan.

Saving Hearts from relegation and a £3 million hit would secure her Tynecastle legacy.

But she’d do well to remember England’s 2018 World Cup bid. Having sent Prince William and PM David Cameron to press the flesh, the FA were promised votes of various Fifa delegates only to be betrayed in favour of Russia.

Budge remains long odds to get this through.

TOUCH of class from Hibs putting “Thank You NHS” on the front of their strips next season.

With money never tighter it would have been easier for Leeann Dempster to take the highest offer from the business community.

Instead, supporters can get their own patch for a fiver with proceeds going to local NHS charity Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation.

Along with some other fundraisers, Hibs hope to raise a six-figure sum for the charity. I doubt I’m very popular in Leith but I hope they’ll let me chip in with 50 quid.

CLUBS with the biggest wage bills are suffering the most right now.

In Scotland, Celtic will have the biggest cash burn. But if they’re eating into their bank balance, what about Rangers?

Reportedly requiring £10m to reach season’s end, what nick is the Ibrox balance sheet in?

With the share issue and Far Eastern investment on hold because of Covid-19, new chairman Douglas Park will need to be a magician to get Gers through this crisis. Dave King timed his exit well.

HATE to admit it but I admire the balls of Arsenal’s Mesut Ozil who’s being torched for refusing a pay cut.

Why should Ozil underwrite transfers when owner Stan Kroenke has eight sport franchises worth $10billion?

Arsenal punters should be hounding the genius who thought Ozil was worth £350,000-a-week.

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