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Going back to our caveman roots could be key to happy and healthy life

Charlène Gisèle says there are just a few simple rules to follow that can transform our lives. They include cleansing cupboards, sleeping well and avoiding processed food

'Unnatural' processed food should be avoided(Getty)

Two years ago Charlène Gisèle was nearing burnout at the age of 32. Stuck in a stressful job, her marriage had ended and she had no time to eat healthily or to exercise.

So when she had the chance to leave her job, she took it – and set off on a mission to transform her life.

Charlène started by retraining as a yoga instructor, before following her instincts to embrace a primal way of life inspired by our Stone Age caveman ancestors. 

She explains: “A basic way of life is accessible to everyone, as our ancestors used to live this way when they had much less than us.

“Anyone can do it. They just need to follow a few simple rules.”

Even small children can help their parents cook, for example chopping vegetables(Getty)

Here are the steps that helped Charlène reach her primal dream:

Detox your diet

Good news: this doesn’t mean cutting out all the good stuff.

Charlène advocates including plenty of meat, veg and eggs – it’s processed food that she says should be avoided.