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'I ignored stomach pains for 9 months being a typical man - now I have terminal cancer'

Andy Godden, 31, wants to encourage other blokes to visit the doctors with early symptoms

Liverpool bowel cancer sufferer Andy Godden explains why you should get yourself checked

A 31-year-old sports fanatic who says he ignored stomach pains for nine months like a ‘typical man’ has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Andy Godden, who lives with his girlfriend Jessica in Toxteth , is speaking out because he doesn’t want others to pass off early symptoms like he did.

It was a pain that came and went so he didn’t think it was likely to be anything serious.

Andy was plagued by pains for months before he finally plucked up the courage to visit his GP last November.

But he was diagnosed three weeks later with stage four bowel cancer, which has now spread to his lungs and liver.

In hindsight Andy said that he wishes he’d gone to the doctors sooner but he thought it would ‘probably be nothing’.

He said: “I just wrote them off and made excuses that I was always too busy to go to the doctor.

“If anyone is having any symptoms or feeling unwell - don’t write it off go and speak to your GP and find out.

“It’s probably nothing but you’d rather find that out for sure than get some bad news further down the line.”

Andy Godden, from Toxteth

After spending a few weeks in hospital receiving immediate care he has since had 10 months of chemotherapy.

But despite an initial stage of shock Andy is determined not to let his cancer affect his life.

Andy said: “I don’t want a clock on my life.”

Instead of spending time counting down the days he has left he is making as much of them as he can.

He said: “I decided that moping wasn’t going to change anything. My general attitude is to get on and do things and live as normal and full a life as possible.

“In a way it’s a strange blessing.

“I’ve been given notice that I need to make the most of my life.

“People that die suddenly don’t get that opportunity.”

Andy works for Playstation as a general release manager which means that he is involved in the last stages of a Playstation game’s development before it is released.

He has continued to go to work and play cricket as much as his chemotherapy schedule will allow.

His treatment has been at both Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and The Royal Liverpool Hospital in the Linda McCartney Centre.

Andy said that the doctors and nurses that have looked after him have been fantastic.

Since his cancer diagnosis Andy has put plans in place to tick things off his bucket list.

The first of these is a skydive with his mum Diana.

Diana, 60, a teacher from Barnwood, Gloucester, didn’t need to be asked twice to join his skydive at Cockerham near Lancaster on September 30.

She said: “How hard can it be?

“I’m not afraid of heights – I’ve abseiled down the Gloucestershire Royal building and the Eagle Tower in Cheltenham.

“I only have to do it once, and what better time to do it and for what better reason? It gives us something to focus on at a time when we feel so powerless.”

She added: “We’re absolutely in awe of Andy.

“It’s not what happens to you in life that matters, but the way in which you deal with it. There’s been not a single word of bitterness or self-pity and that has given us all strength.”

Andy’s dad Mike will be on the ground taking pictures, along with his brother David and sister Maggie.

They will both jump from a plane at 15,000ft, and raise money for charities which they hope will find a cure for others in future: Bowel & Cancer Research and the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity.

Anyone who wants to support Andy and Diana can do so at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/godden_skydive