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Media Platforms Design Team

Here's another product review from Matt Powell, junior at Columbia University in the City of New York and GHRI intern:

"I think I must be the new go-to person for testing strange looking gadgets. This week, I tried out the Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker, a plastic gizmo which resembles a red, plastic pear with a little white ball on the inside that's designed to replace the traditional mortar and pestle. Whenever I think of this ancient tool set, I remember the scene in the movie Julie & Julia, in which Meryl Streep as Julia Child proclaims that the most essential tool in the kitchen is the mortar and pestle. Ever since, I've felt guilty for not owning one. I don't even have a spice mill! Lucky for me, I found this gadget.

"Once again, I began my assignment with a healthy dose of skepticism. The directions were simple. Open the pear-shaped canister, and place whole spices along with the ceramic ball inside the capsule and close it tightly. Then shake the capsule until the ceramic ball has sufficiently pulverized all of the whole spices.

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Media Platforms Design Team

"I poured in about ten whole cloves and shook the canister for two minutes. It was fun, and my arms got a good work-out. (Although I bet the people in the other Good Housekeeping Research Institute departments were wondering what the racket was.) After two minutes, I opened the canister, and to my amazement, the cloves were completely pulverized! The fresh smell of cloves filled the air around me, and the whole cloves had been reduced to powder. Once I returned to my dorm, I tried the test with whole allspice berries and almonds, both of which are a bit more difficult to grind. My friends had a good laugh while I shook the Flavour Shaker around, but once they saw the results they understood my enthusiasm. Again, I was astonished to see that the little gadget really worked! However, I must say that after the almond test, I was a bit tired. Hmm, this tool probably isn't the best gift for my grandma...

"Available at for $29.95, the Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker is definitely worth checking out. It's more efficient than a mortar and pestle and easier to clean than a spice mill. According to the manufacturer, it can also crush garlic, citrus rind, and other nuts. At this point, I'm inclined to believe it. I may even give up my search for the perfect mortar and pestle.

"If you still want a mortar and pestle, check out Sharon Franke's post on 'Do you need a mortar and pestle?'

"For recipes with the flavor of freshly ground spices check out our test kitchen's 'Bow ties with Shrimp and Fennel' and 'Country Captain Casserole'.

Headshot of Sharon Franke
Sharon Franke
Director of the Kitchen Appliances and Technology Lab

Sharon has been with the GHI since 1987, when she was hired as an assistant primarily to develop recipes for the magazine's column on microwave cooking. Before joining GHI, she was a chef in restaurants in the World Trade Center.