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Former Nottingham Forest and Portsmouth manager Steve Cotterill on recovering from health scare and why he's ready to work again

Fighting fit after neck surgery

Steve Cotterill during his time at Nottingham Forest(Image: Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)

Steve Cotterill has fully recovered from a recent health scare and is ready to work again, provided it is for the right people.

The former Cheltenham Town manager has been out football management since leaving Birmingham City in March 2018.

Whether he is in full-time employment or not, Cotterill takes his health very seriously, but he adopts a particularly stringent fitness regime between jobs.

His daily gym sessions were interrupted by a considerable pain in the neck and he soon realised it was not going to heal itself.

“I ruptured a disc in my neck and it set me back for a few months because I needed a period of rehabilitation,” he said.

“The pain was going through my shoulder, all the way down my arm and into my thumb and forefinger.”

“I wasn’t sleeping and I have never been one to take painkillers, but I needed strong ones.

“The specialist went in through my throat, the thought of which made me panic a bit when he told me, and put a new disc in.