This article is more than 6 years old.

A week ago was my 30th birthday, and I’ve taken this past week to take stock of my 20s, to reflect on the lessons I’ve learned that I hope to carry with me, and look toward the decade ahead. According to popular culture I should be having some sort of existential crisis, and mourning my youth, when I am simply sighing with relief, embracing the small amount of wisdom that has come with my age, and hope it makes the next decade a bit smoother. Like the cliche goes, the only thing I have a deeper understanding of is how much I do not know, and I’m just starting to be at peace with that. If there is one thing you learn as you get older, it’s that no one knows what they are doing, everyone is winging it and that life is really about how you handle the unknown, and being resilient in spite of failing again, and again and again.

That being said, there is so much I wish I knew when I was 20 that I know now that would have saved me time, money and often a great deal of pain. If I were to write a list to myself at 20 of what I should understand as soon as possible, this is what I would write. I hope you find it helpful, and that your learn from some of my mistakes.


Your Expectations Are The Only Ones You Need To Meet 

Society at large sets a lot of benchmarks, especially for women, that they think you should meet, or conform to, but understand you don’t have to live your life according to an ideal you do not believe in, and you don’t have to apologize for it. Whether it’s choosing to take a risk in a creative field, or not to have children or get married, or to take a job you know you love but the people around you don’t understand, this is your life. Some choices and risks will be especially difficult, and will be harder to accomplish than you ever imagined, but if it is what you really, truly want, then the work will be worth it, and the people around you who doubted you will be among the first to be supportive when it works out.

Grit Is What Counts

There is no trick or shortcut that is better than good work. There will always be someone with better connections than you have, which may get them a job, but it won’t get them a career. The most successful people are the ones that keep going when everyone else quits, carry on through the most demanding circumstances, and deliver results. They’re the ones that have failed 1,000 times and are still trying. Talent only gets you so far, it’s the work that ultimately creates the life you want.

No Excuses 

There are excuses for everything, you couldn’t meet this deadline because of x,y and z, or you couldn’t make it to the gym because you were tired, you couldn’t get a project finished in time because of everyone else, etc. Success is about doing the things you absolutely don’t want to do on a regular basis. By making excuses, you are enabling your worst instincts, and your instinct is rarely to grind through a tough situation- your instinct is to give up. The main difference between many successful people and regular people is that they absolutely refused to give up.

Save Money Now 

It feels like you have all the time in the world, and that you should enjoy your life now before you have more responsibilities (and you only have more responsibilities, never less), but not putting aside 10% of every paycheck can make retirement an impossibility, or an emergency can put you in a great deal of debt. This is well worn advice, but it’s oft repeated because it’s rarely followed. Put 10% of that paycheck aside like clockwork, even when it hurts, because you never know what will happen, and you don’t want to be living paycheck to paycheck at 55 because you didn’t save now.

Invest In Your Health 

I may sound like your parents, but start eating right and exercising now. In the United States the biggest cause of death is heart disease, and strokes and diabetes are among the top 10 causes of death. A myriad of medical problems stem from poor diet and exercise, which end up costing tens of thousands, and perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars, which can devastate a lifetime of savings. The healthy habits you start forming now will pay dividends 10, 20, 30, 40 years from now. Find exercise you enjoy doing, and healthy meals you enjoy eating. The sooner you make responsible decisions, the more you set yourself up for a longer, healthier, more stable life. It gives you more time with people you love.

Be Fearless  

Few things are quite as paralyzing as being overwhelmed by your own guilt. But being too hard on yourself can be incredibly debilitating. Maybe you didn’t meet a goal on your preferred timeline, or you missed a friend’s milestone, or you’ve wasted a lot of time being afraid and you’re ashamed of that. Whatever it is, you can’t let fear and guilt paralyze you. Gather your courage, and let your desire to achieve your goal overcome any fear you have of failing.

Invest In Your Improvement 

Spending money on courses that can help you professionally, or therapy that helps your personally, or a consultant for your health, or a career coach, etc., whatever aspect of your life you feel you need to improve, invest in it. Helping yourself achieve your goals is money well spent. Most people tend to plateau professionally, but those that continue to climb invest in their own self-improvement, whether it be personal or professional continue to excel. These support systems that will help you achieve balance and expertise is an investment in your happiness, and therefore your productivity and stability.

Evaluate Your Relationships  

 Don’t spend time with people who don’t treat you well. Show up for your friends and family who do. There will be certain milestones in your life, especially in your 30s and 40s and you are going to need a support system, and people are going to need you to be part of their support system. Parents will die, friends will get married, other friends will get divorced, children will be born and or fall seriously ill, a lot of earth shattering life changes will happen within the next decade or two. Be someone who they can count on, show up and make time for them.

Buy Time 

The one thing you can occasionally buy can never get back is time. Creating time and space for your work, to take care of yourself and to spend time with you friends and family is money well spent if you can spare it. Get your groceries delivered, laundry done, dog walked, hair blow dried, house cleaned, food delivered when you need it to. Putting that extra stress on yourself because of regular chores that you can outsource when you’re insanely busy is like removing a couple of balls when you’re trying to juggle too many. It is an indulgence, and some things an extravagance, but you will be thankful you spent the money when you sorely needed the time and flexibility.

Be Different  

A high value is placed on fitting in, when people who change the world and accomplish incredible things are usually are very different from most people. Your interests, good qualities, and personality are what make you, you. Be proud of who you are, and don’t care if people like it.