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Johnny Russell's eye-watering salary revealed as he becomes club's highest-ever paid player

Scotland star has pocketed a mammoth wage in the past season after becoming a favourite with the MLS club.

Johnny Russell's eye-watering MLS pay packet has been revealed - and it would see the Scotland star sit comfortably as one of the top earners in the Premiership.

The former Dundee United and Derby forward has become his club's highest ever paid player after picking up a cool £1.34 million this season.

Russell started Scotland's Euro 2020 defeat in Belgium and had a tough shift in Brussels.

But he can relax in the knowledge that his earnings have rocketed to being the club's highest ever paid player, after the MLS Players Association released their annual figures that showed the former Derby County star was paid $1.7 million, which is £1.34 million - around £27,000 a week.

(Image: SNS)


That's up over a million dollars on what he was originally paid when he first joined the club last year.

However, Russell still has some way to go to even smash into the top ten highest earning footballers in the USA.

LA Galaxy superstar Zlatan Ibrahimovic was No.1 on the list and earned £5.69 million, with former Manchester United ace Wayne Rooney eighth among the highest paid stars at £2.76 million.