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Tory MP faces drink spiking claims as victim ‘woke up to find nipples being licked’

It is alleged the MP used the substance on a fellow Conservative MP, who awoke to find his nipples being licked.

The senior Conservative MP is accused of plying four victims with date-rape pills(Image: Getty Images)

A top Conservative MP has been caught up in allegations swirling around Westminster that he plied four victims with date-rape pills.

It is claimed the man used the substance on a fellow Conservative MP, who woke up to find his nipples being licked.

It is also claimed a Labour MP was abused after the man administered the drug to him – while the flatmate of another Tory MP claimed to friends he had a similar experience.

A fourth man also claimed he had declined his advances, but later had suspicions his drink was spiked.

A source said: “The name of this alleged attacker is being spoken about openly among Conservative MPs.

“If he is innocent, he should refer himself to police and our internal complaints procedure so allegations can be investigated to clear his name.”

A Tory MP faces allegations that he plied four victims with date-rape drugs(Image: Getty Images)

Another MP said: “No wonder he has been looking so dreadful recently with this hanging over him.”

Allegations an MP had used a date-rape drug first arose in the sexual harassment scandal in 2017, report Mirror Online.