A police officer feared he was going to die when a man he was trying to arrest throttled him as he lay trapped on a bed.

PC James Bebbington told a colleague, 'he's killing me' as raging Robert Labutin carried out a sustained attack.

The officer, who was left "gasping for breath," also had two fingers bitten.

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Labutin was remanded in custody at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

The 44-year-old admitted charges of assault and threatening or abusive behaviour.

The court heard PC Bebbington and a colleague attended at Labutin's home in St Giles Park, Hamilton, on December 27, 2020.

It was in relation to a family matter and Labutin became violent as he was being arrested. He appeared to be "under the influence of something".

Neil Thomson, prosecuting, said: "He told the officers to get the f**k out of his house.

"He grabbed PC Bebbington and the two of them were rolling around.

"They ended up on top of a bed where the officer was trapped between the bed frame and the wall.

"The accused had his arm around the constable's throat. He then tightened his grip, thus restricting his breathing.

"He then used his free arm to tighten the grip further.

"A female officer discharged Pava spray, but this seems to have had no effect on the accused. She also struck him on the body and head with her baton.

"PC Bebbington, still in the accused's grip, shouted as best he could 'I can't breathe'. His face was becoming red as he told his colleague, 'he's killing me'.

"It appears he genuinely feared for his life."

PC Bebbington tried to push Labutin away, but the accused bit him on two fingers, causing "excruciating" pain, while continuing to compress his neck.

The officer finally managed to break free, just as reinforcements arrived.

Mr Thomson added: "He was left gasping for breath.

"The accused was eventually restrained with two sets of handcuffs applied."

PC Bebbington was treated for bites which left his fingers "swollen and numb".

He had "significant soreness and redness" at the back of his neck.

Labutin was taken to hospital for treatment to a head wound sustained during the struggle.

He spat at a police officer during the journey.

Sheriff Colin Dunipace told Labutin the charges were "extremely serious".

Sentence was deferred until next month for background reports and Labutin who had been on bail, was remanded in custody.

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