Chesterfield player Jordan Flores may need surgery after crash

Image caption, Two cars were involved in the crash

Footballer Jordan Flores may need surgery after he was involved in a car crash in Derbyshire, the BBC understands.

The Chesterfield FC midfielder was in a crash with another car on Baslow Road, Chesterfield, on Monday morning.

Doctors are to decide whether the 22-year-old, who is in a "stable condition" at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, will need surgery.

The driver of the other car was airlifted to hospital for treatment.

Image source, Getty Images

Image caption, Jordan Flores is currently on loan to the Spireites from Wigan Athletic

East Midlands Ambulance Service attended an accident involving a Toyota Auris and a Mercedes GLA.

Image caption, The driver of the other car was airlifted to hospital for treatment

In a statement, Chesterfield FC said: "Jordan Flores has been transferred from Chesterfield Royal Hospital to a hospital in Sheffield following his involvement in a road traffic accident on Monday.

"His condition is being monitored by medical staff at the hospital who will keep the club and the player's family informed of developments."

Mr Flores is currently on loan to the Spireites from Wigan Athletic.