Arrested Development cancels UK visit after tearful interview

Image source, Getty Images

Netflix has cancelled a UK press tour to promote season five of Arrested Development following controversy surrounding actor Jeffrey Tambor.

Most of the cast were due to visit London to meet fans this week.

But a controversial interview with The New York Times put Jeffrey's behaviour in the spotlight, not the new series.

In it, the cast were questioned about sexual misconduct allegations against Tambor on Amazon's TV show, Transparent.

Jessica Walters - who plays Tambor's wife on the show - broke down in tears during the interview.

While she said she had experienced no sexual misconduct, she talked about being shouted at on the set of Arrested Development by Tambor.

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Male members of the cast, such as Jason Bateman and David Cross, were criticised for their reaction to the accusations and Jessica's experience.

Netflix axed the UK visit yesterday following the response to The New York Times interview. It was due to include an appearance on the BBC's One Show tonight.

Jeffrey Tambor denies all claims of sexual misconduct on the set of Transparent and says his actions were "misinterpreted" by his accusers.

Now, Scott Pilgrim and Juno star Michael Cera, who plays George Michael Bluth in Arrested Development, has told Newsbeat he needs time to 'consider' his thoughts on the situation and working with Tambor.

"Obviously I have to give a lot of consideration to whether I take jobs with anyone and think about how it effects people," he told Newsbeat in his last interview before the promotion was cancelled.

Image source, Getty Images

Image caption, Michael Cera chatted to Newsbeat in London days before the full cast visit was cancelled

Michael Cera also says that while he wasn't on set when Tambor and Jessica Walters clashed, he was aware of the incident.

Alia Shawkat, who plays Maeby Funke in Arrested Development, was praised for her response to Tambor in the NYT interview, and Michael Cera says he believes the age gap between her and older, male cast-mates may mean she experienced the situation differently.

"Maybe there's a generational thing, I don't know. I mean - not just in Hollywood," he added.

"But maybe that's always the case that there are generational divides that people experience differently as time goes by."

Season five of Arrested Development premieres on Netflix on 29 May 2018.

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