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Stan Grant's speech on racism and the Australian dream goes viral

This article is more than 8 years old

Guardian Australia Indigenous affairs editor tells debate audience racism ‘is at the heart of the Australian dream’, provoking a powerful reaction online

The veteran journalist and Wiradjuri man, Stan Grant, has told a Sydney audience that racism is “at the heart of the Australian dream,” as he delivered a sobering speech about the impact of colonisation and discrimination on Indigenous people and their ancestors.

It has provoked a powerful reaction from Australians, going viral on Facebook with 850,000 views and 28,000 shares, and had been watched more than 50,000 times on YouTube by Sunday night.

As part of the IQ2 debate series held by the Ethics Centre, Grant joined immigration lawyer Pallavi Sinha, Herald Sun columnist Rita Panahi and Australian actor Jack Thompson to argue for or against the topic “Racism is destroying the Australian dream”. The event was held last year, but the Ethics Centre only released the video online on Friday.

Stan Grant’s speech in full

In his opening address, Grant, who is also Guardian Australia’s Indigenous affairs editor, argued that racism was at “the foundation of the Australian dream”.

“The Australian dream,” Grant said. “We sing of it and we recite it in verse; ‘Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free’.

“My people die young in this country. We die 10 years younger than the average Australian, and we are far from free. We are fewer than 3% of the Australian population and yet we are 25% – one quarter – of those Australians locked up in our prisons. And if you’re a juvenile it is worse, it is 50%. An Indigenous child is more likely to be locked up in prison than they are to finish high school.”

He spoke of his Indigenous ancestors, including his grandmother and great-grandmother, who were among those institutionalised in missions, where Indigenous people were forced into unpaid labour and abused. He referenced the “war of extermination” against his ancestors.

“I love a sunburned country, a land of sweeping plains, of rugged mountain ranges,” Grant said, referencing the famous poem, My Country, by the Australian writer Dorothea Mackellar.

“It reminds me that my people were killed on those plains. We were shot on those plains, diseases ravaged us on those plains.

“Our rights were extinguished because we were not here according to British law, and when British people looked at us, they saw something subhuman. We were fly-blown, Stone-Age savages, and that was the language that was used. Captain Arthur Phillip, a man of enlightenment ... was sending out raiding parties with the instruction; ‘bring back the severed heads of the black trouble-makers’.

“By 1901 when we became a nation, we were nowhere, we were not in the constitution. Save for race provisions which allowed for laws to be made which would take our children that would invade our privacy, that would tell us who we could marry and where we could live. The Australian dream.”

The media commentator and writer, Mike Carlton, described Grant’s address as Australia’s “Martin Luther King moment,” and “Stan Grant” was still trending on Twitter on Sunday morning.

Grant won a prestigious Walkley award for journalism in December for his columns covering Indigenous affairs for Guardian Australia.

Honestly. I think this Stan Grant speech will one day be viewed as a Martin Luther King moment. via @YouTube

— Mike Carlton (@MikeCarlton01) January 22, 2016

If there is 1 thing you watch today, it's this, from Stan Grant. Just 8mins of your time = perfect for the trip home

— Hannah Hollis (@hannahhollis_) January 22, 2016

Everyone should watch Stan Grant:

— Melissa Sweet (@croakeyblog) January 22, 2016

Wow. Stan Grant demolishes the myth of the Australian Dream.

— riche (@riche_esq) January 22, 2016

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