Watch Fake Obama Quote Authentic Trump On ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’

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Rare is the Democrat who hasn’t wondered how President Donald Trump gets away with his more colorful, controversial and just plain clueless statements, or considered the likely consequences if Barack Obama had made the same remarks.

HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher made things a bit clearer Friday, when Obama impersonator Reggie Brown took the stage during the end-of-show New Rules segment. As Maher set up each true Trump quote, Brown provided the pitch-perfect Obama interpretation.

Watch the segment above.

All of Trump’s greatest hits are here, from the “I like people who weren’t captured” McCain insult to shooting someone on Fifth Avenue. “When I drink my wine and have my little cracker, I guess that’s a form of forgiveness,” Brown-as-Obama-as Trump said of Holy Communion, to which Maher offered the politically incorrect, “My little cracker? You mean Jeff Sessions?”

When Brown launches into Trump’s “You think our country is so innocent?” bit, Sean Hannity’s head explodes.

Watch on Deadline

Inevitably, the routine arrives at Access Hollywood, grabbing and endowment braggadocio. Just imagine.