The Force Is Strong With These Star Wars Jack-o'-Lanterns

With new characters to carve, fans are really bringing their jack-o'-lantern A-game.
Image may contain Vegetable Plant Food Pumpkin Lamp Produce Helmet Clothing and Apparel
This R2-D2 is a work of art. A lightsaber-weilding Jedi could not have done better.Alex Wer

Pumpkin carving used to be simple. Cut out a couple triangle-shaped eyes and throw on a jagged smile, and boom! Instant Halloween porch adornment. But now anyone not bringing their jack-o'-lantern A game—complete with Dalí-esque attention to detail—just looks like a n00b.

Nowhere is this more true than in the realm of Star Wars fans. Each year fans go out and attempt to keep up with the Dookus with more intricate pumpkin carvings than the ear before. (Sure, that Death Star was cool. But can you do R2-D2?) Now that there’s a whole new cast of characters coming in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there are even more possibilities. And, let’s face it, BB-8 is pretty much a decorative gourd balanced on top of a pumpkin already.

On Thursday we gave you some classic Star Wars stencils and asked you to send along your best carvings from the other side of the universe. You delivered. Check out some of the best submissions, as well as a few of our other favorite galactic gourds from around the web in the gallery above.