Cute Collared Pika

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From my second visit to Alaska I got to spend time with this adorable Collared Pika. We knew this one was in the rocks near us but it kept popping up in the wrong spot. Finally it climbed out right in front of us in wonderfully soft and beautiful light. It posed so nicely atop this lichen covered rock and sat just long enough for me to compose the image I wanted before it was back down in the rock crevices not to be seen out in the open again that outing.

•Location: Alaska

•Exposure: 1/500 @f/4 

•ISO: 320

•Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority

•Focal Length: 500mm

•Lens: Nikon 500mm F/4 VR

•Camera: Nikon Z6II

Ray Hennessy
Nature photography has become a very passionate hobby of mine and whenever I get a chance I love to get outside and enjoy being outdoors. I am also the co-owner of KGM Expressions, a wedding and portrait photography business, with my wife Kim. This is how we make our living and I love that we get to do that together.

Thorny Perch Prairie


Florida Scrub Jay in the Morning Glow