Feel the passion of Amadeo Preziosi in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Amadeo Preziosi in our art prints.

Our art reproductions bring moments of comfort directly into your home.

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Amadeo Preziosi
Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Amadeo Preziosi

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

A Turkish Bazaar, 1854 (pencil u...
1854 | pencil and watercolour on paper

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1858 | colour lithograph

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The most popular works of Amadeo Preziosi

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Amadeo Preziosi

88 artworks found

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A Coffee House, Constantinople, ...
1854 | pen and ink and watercolour on paper

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Turkish figures before a kiosk (...
Undated | watercolour and bodycolour on paper

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The Barber, from 'Souvenir of Ca...
1862 | colour lithograph

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Undated | colour lithograph

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Woman at a street fountain (Sebi...
1865 | colour lithograph

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The Slipper Seller, from 'Souven...
1862 | colour lithograph

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Undated | watercolor on paper

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Turkish Figures at a Sweetmeat S...
Undated | pencil and watercolour

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Market Day on the Mu"izz id-Din ...
1862 | pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper

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Bohemians, 1865
1865 | colour lithograph

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undatiert | watercolor on paper

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1865 | colour lithograph

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1854 | pencil and watercolour heightened with white

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Veiled women, from 'Souvenir of ...
1862 | colour lithograph

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Figures in the Bazaar, Constanti...
Undated | brown ink and watercolour on paper

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Undated | colour lithograph

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Undated | pencil and watercolour heightened with white

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Undated | pencil and watercolour on paper

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Undated | pencil and watercolour on paper

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1855 | Black chalk and watercolour

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Souvenir Du Caire, 1862
1862 | colour lithograph

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undatiert | watercolor on paper

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1866 | pencil and watercolour on paper

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Undated | watercolour on paper

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The Tea Seller, from 'Souvenir o...
1862 | colour lithograph

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Amadeo Preziosi

Amadeo Preziosi

  December 2, 1816
  September 27, 1882
   •   Nonclassified artists   •   Wikipedia: Amadeo Preziosi

Amadeo Preziosi was a Maltese painter and the son of a noble family. His father was a high-ranking local politician in Malta and the eldest son Amadeo, born in 1816, was supposed to study law according to his wish and was therefore sent to Paris to the Sorbonne. The young Preziosi, however, was not interested in law but in painting. He had already had painting lessons in Malta with Guiseppe Hyzler, a well-known painter. Now he continued his studies in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. When he returned home at the age of about 25, he no longer felt really at home in Malta, all the more so as his father strongly disapproved of his choice of profession. He therefore decided to leave the island. His destination was Istanbul, because this city was praised by other French artists as a good place for artists. Once in Istanbul, Amadeo Preziosi earned his living by selling drawings and watercolors of the city and its surroundings to tourists. He was also commissioned by the British Ambassador in Istanbul to produce an album of these paintings. This earned him enough to embark on a trip to Egypt, from which he published a second sketchbook entitled Souvenir du Caere.

The artist soon felt at home in the city on the Bosphorus. He fell in love with a Greek woman living there and married her. The couple had four children, three daughters and a son, and lived in a quiet suburb of the city. Amadeo Preziosi had a workshop nearby, where many tourists came to take home a drawing or a watercolor with motifs of the city as a souvenir. Very high lords were among his customers, including King Edward VII of Great Britain and the Prince of Wales. Prince Carol I of Romania also came to his workshop and invited Amadeo Preziosi to visit his country and produce his watercolors and drawings for tourist purposes there as well.

The artist accepted the invitation and spent several months in Romania in 1868 and 1869. In 1882, Amadeo Preziosi died from a gunshot that accidentally hit him. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery of Istanbul.

Amadeo Preziosi

Amadeo Preziosi
  December 2, 1816
  September 27, 1882
   •   Nonclassified artists   •   Wikipedia: Amadeo Preziosi

Amadeo Preziosi was a Maltese painter and the son of a noble family. His father was a high-ranking local politician in Malta and the eldest son Amadeo, born in 1816, was supposed to study law according to his wish and was therefore sent to Paris to the Sorbonne. The young Preziosi, however, was not interested in law but in painting. He had already had painting lessons in Malta with Guiseppe Hyzler, a well-known painter. Now he continued his studies in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. When he returned home at the age of about 25, he no longer felt really at home in Malta, all the more so as his father strongly disapproved of his choice of profession. He therefore decided to leave the island. His destination was Istanbul, because this city was praised by other French artists as a good place for artists. Once in Istanbul, Amadeo Preziosi earned his living by selling drawings and watercolors of the city and its surroundings to tourists. He was also commissioned by the British Ambassador in Istanbul to produce an album of these paintings. This earned him enough to embark on a trip to Egypt, from which he published a second sketchbook entitled Souvenir du Caere.

The artist soon felt at home in the city on the Bosphorus. He fell in love with a Greek woman living there and married her. The couple had four children, three daughters and a son, and lived in a quiet suburb of the city. Amadeo Preziosi had a workshop nearby, where many tourists came to take home a drawing or a watercolor with motifs of the city as a souvenir. Very high lords were among his customers, including King Edward VII of Great Britain and the Prince of Wales. Prince Carol I of Romania also came to his workshop and invited Amadeo Preziosi to visit his country and produce his watercolors and drawings for tourist purposes there as well.

The artist accepted the invitation and spent several months in Romania in 1868 and 1869. In 1882, Amadeo Preziosi died from a gunshot that accidentally hit him. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery of Istanbul.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meisterdrucke

Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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